Senior Research Project and Presentation
Magnet teachers will help students identify potential topics, develop writing and research skills, and identify mentors and resources needed to complete the senior research project. Each Magnet core class will emphasize global themes and nurture the development of global competencies needed to succeed in work and life. Each core class will contribute to the selection and development of a topic and the successful completion of the senior research project. Students will manage their research project using an electronic portfolio.
Students will develop an understanding of leadership, government, cultures, environment, and literature. Students will also identify the major scientific, political, social and economic challenges facing the world. Students will learn about the American system of government. Students will be introduced to and given practice on how to conduct research. Students will identify potential research areas and will begin exploring topics for their research project.
Students will continue to develop their understanding of world history, cultures, and literature. Students will continue to develop their science and social studies research skills. In AP Seminar, students will narrow their topics for their research project and begin to identify potential faculty, university, or community mentors.
Students will develop their writing skills as well as their abilities to perform statistical analysis. Students will acquire an adult mentor to offer assistance through the remainder of the project process, and students will conduct their research and will be supported in their efforts by enrollment in AP Research.
Students will be introduced to the analysis and interpretation of data relevant to comparative government and politics. Students will examine political institutions, political and economic change and public policy. Students will complete their Magnet experience with a course that takes a critical look at the U.S. role in the global community and how their skills and knowledge play an international role. Students will present their research to the public in the fall or spring of their senior year.