Program Policies
Below are the North Cobb School for International Studies’ Academic and Behavioral Expectations Contract as well as the Comprehensive CCSD Board Policies on Magnet programs.
NCHS Magnet Academic / Behavior Policies
- Magnet students must make at least an 80 in magnet-related course to maintain “good standing” status. For AP courses, this minimum is defines as 74 before application of the extra quality point.
- “Magnet-related” courses include all social studies and science courses as well as Magnet-only Language arts classes.
- If a student receives a grade below an 80 (or a 74 for AP) in any magnet-related course, he/she will be placed on academic probation.
- Dismissal from the program may result if a student earns two or more ‘D’s in magnet-related courses in any given semester or earns a grade of F in any magnet-related course. See Dismissal Guidelines #11-13
- If a student is retained in the same grade level, he/she will be dismissed from the program. See Dismissal Guidelines #11-13
- Students and parents will receive written notification of probationary status. Students and parents are encouraged to request a conference to develop an Action Plan to assist the student during the probationary period. This plan may consist of steps including, but not limited to, the following: tutoring, one-on-one instruction and a reduction in non-academic activities. In any case, the student must make at least an 80 (or a 74 for AP) in the next course in the subject area for which the student is on probation (social studies, science or magnet-only language arts).
- Upon successful fulfillment of #5 above, the student will return to a “good standing” status.
- If a student does not meet the academic requirements outlines in #5 above, he/she will be dismissed from the magnet program. See Dismissal Guidelines #11-13
- A student may be placed on disciplinary probation for the following reasons:
- Five(5) or more unexcused absences in a semester
- A single disciplinary referral that results in 3 or more days of Out-Of-School Suspension.
- A single disciplinary referral that results in 5 or more days of In-School Suspension.
- Repeated violations of Rule JICDA-H* (Student Conduct: Code of Conduct [High School])
- See Rule IDCD* for more actions that may result in probation
- A student placed in disciplinary probation will be returned to Good Standing if he/she does not violate rule IDAI_R* or Rule JICDA-H* the next semester.
- A student who is found guilty of a disciplinary infraction that results in a long-term Out-Of-School Suspension/expulsion as provided by Administrative Rule JICDA-H may immediately be dismissed from the magnet program and required to return to the student’s districted high school at the conclusion of the suspension/expulsion.
a. All rules may be downloaded at See Dismissal Guidelines, #11-13 - A student on disciplinary probation who violates any of the above rules in two consecutive semesters or more than once in a semester may be removed from the magnet program.
Violation of the NCSIS Honor Pledge, as defined below, will result in disciplinary probation. The NCSIS Honor Pledge is the following: I certify that any work I have submitted and represented as my own, is my own original work. I have not shared, nor exchanged information or materials with anyone, nor will I do so in the future. Additionally, I will act if I become aware that the Honor Pledge has been compromised.
Unacceptable behaviors include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Copying another student’s work.
- Giving another student access to your work.
- Informing students of content that was present on a test when that student may be taking a test later in the day or a different day.
- Using unauthorized materials, such as website, cheat sheets, cell phones, cliff notes, cameras, that are not specifically approved by the instructor beforehand.
- Providing false information to a teacher or administrator during an inquiry related to academic integrity
- Falsifying official documents such as parent notes
- Plagiarism, which includes the following
- Copying content word-for-word from any source including, but not limited to, a website, a journal, a book, another student, etc.
- Paraphrasing content from any source without giving proper citation of the source
- Making up data or sources that do not exist.
Consequences for violating the Honor Pledge:
1st Offense:
- Conference with parent and grade of zero for assignment on which the violation occurred.
- Honor Pledge Violation form to Magnet Coordinator
- Student placed on Disciplinary Probation
2nd Offense:
- Discipline referral to administrator and grade of zero for assignment on which the violation occurred
- Honor Pledge Violation form to Magnet Coordinator
- Student placed on Disciplinary Probation if not in same or immediately subsequent semester (from prior offense)
- Student dismissed from Magnet Program if 2nd offense is in the same semester or immediately subsequent semester from the 1st offense. See Dismissal Guidelines, #11-13
- Magnet students from inside the North Cobb attendance zone who are dismissed from the program will be placed in the appropriate courses in the NCHS population. Students will lose magnet lounge privileges, will be moved to a non-magnet homeroom, and will be assigned to a non-magnet counselor.
- Students from outside the North Cobb attendance zone who are dismissed from the program within the first three years of participation are expected to return to their districted high school at the end of that academic year and will be subject to normal Georgia High School Association (GHSA) transfer rules regarding eligibility in extracurricular activities.
- Students exiting the program within the first three years of participation and after the first two weeks of the semester may remain at NCHS for the remainder of school year before returning to their districted high school but will lose magnet transportation opportunities if their home school is on a different schedule than North Cobb’s. If their home school is on the same schedule as north Cobb’s, they will return to their districted school at the start of the following semester.
CCCSD Board Rule: Magnet Programs
Click here for a downloadable version of this information
IDAI-R Magnet Programs
7/24/13 GSBA Reference: IDAI Demonstration Schools
The Cobb County School District (District) recognizes that students who demonstrate exceptional potential in a specific area may benefit from a specialized program and permits magnet programs to be developed in designated schools with Board of Education (Board) approval. The purpose of such programs will be to provide students opportunities to pursue their specialized interests, develop their talents, and extend their competencies beyond the usual scope of high school.
The Cobb County School District (District) recognizes that students who demonstrate exceptional potential in a specific area may benefit from a specialized program and permits magnet programs to be developed in designated schools with Board of Education (Board) approval. The purpose of such programs will be to provide students opportunities to pursue their specialized interests, develop their talents, and extend their competencies beyond the usual scope of high school.
Magnet programs should provide participating students an opportunity to experience an enriched curriculum that is consistent with the emphasis of the magnet program.
Magnet courses are approved by the Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Division. The courses are designated in each magnet program’s required course of study. Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) courses are designated by the College Board and International Baccalaureate organization as meeting the criteria necessary to be approved and offered at the local school.
- STUDENT ADMISSIONSTo be enrolled in a magnet program, a student must be eligible to attend a District school. Students submit applications online during their eighth grade year in compliance with published application deadlines. Applicants are evaluated on multiple criteria which may include but is not limited to: middle school grades, teacher recommendations, standardized test scores, academic and extracurricular accomplishments, auditions (Center for Excellence in the Performing Arts), and written communication skills. Magnet programs evaluate applicants independently; admission to one program does not indicate admission to other programs. Applicants may be offered admission to multiple magnet programs; however, accepted applicants must convey intent to enroll in only one magnet program.
- LATE ENTRANCE ADMISSIONS:To qualify for late entrance admission, students must be able to meet magnet program and graduation requirements (Administrative Rule IHF – Graduation Requirements) within the remaining high school program. Please refer to Administrative Rule JJIC (Student Activities: Standards for Student Participation in Extracurricular Activities) for GHSA eligibility implications.Four categories of qualified students may be admitted to magnet programs after the beginning of the freshman year, as space is available:
- Students attending the school in which the magnet program is housed;
- New-to-District students;
- Program-to-Program Transfers:Before the beginning of the sophomore year, students currently enrolled in a magnet program in the District who are in good academic standing may request a transfer to another magnet program to which they were previously accepted. Transfer is subject to the discretion of the receiving school. The student and parent/guardian must first notify the current coordinator in writing of the intent to transfer to another program. If transfer is approved, the student and parent/guardian must meet with the coordinator of the new magnet program to review program requirements;
- Center for Excellence in the Performing Arts applicants:Performing Arts applicants may be considered for late admissions until the fall of their senior year.
- CONTINUATION CRITERIA:The following criteria are required for continued participation in the magnet program:
- Academic Performance: A student must maintain minimum academic performance as outlined in the individual Magnet Program Contract (available on the individual school websites and the District’s website).
- Behavior: A student must adhere to the policies outlined in the individual Magnet Program Contract to remain in good standing.
- Academic Performance: A student who does not maintain minimum academic performance as outlined in the individual Magnet Program Contract will be placed on program probation for that subject area. A student and his or her parent/guardian will receive written notification of program probation prior to the beginning of the probation period. A student on probation will receive appropriate intervention and support from magnet program staff. The probation period ends and the student returns to good standing upon the successful completion of the subsequent magnet-related, AP, or IB course. If the student on probation does not maintain minimum academic performance as outlined in the individual Magnet Program Contract, he or she may be dismissed from the program.
- Behavior: A student who violates the Magnet Program Contract will be placed on probation. A student and his or her parent/guardian will receive written notification of program probation immediately following the violation(s). If the student receives no additional violations during the current or subsequent semester, the probation period ends and the student returns to good standing. If the student commits another violation the Magnet Program Contract before the end of the subsequent semester, he or she may be dismissed from the program.
- DISMISSAL/WITHDRAWAL:Parents of students dismissed from the program will be notified in writing by the magnet coordinator at the end of the semester for which the student was on probation. For students who voluntarily withdraw, parents are required to submit written notification to the magnet coordinator.
- Immediate Program Dismissal may result if a student:
- Fails to meet minimum academic performance for any magnet related, AP, IB or performing arts major (Center for Excellence in the Performing Arts only) course as outlined in the individual Magnet Program Contract;
- Is retained in his or her grade level for the subsequent school year (IHE-R: Promotion and Retention); or
- Receives a suspension that is in violation of the Magnet Program Contract.
- During the first three years of participation in the magnet program, students who discontinue the magnet program must return to their zoned high school according to the following timeline:
- If the magnet program and the student’s home school are on the same schedule type (block, traditional, alternating block, etc.), then the student must return to their home school at the conclusion of the current semester;
- If the magnet program and the student’s home school are on different schedule types, then the student must return to their home school at the conclusion of the school year.
- Students from outside the magnet school’s attendance zone who are dismissed from the program within the first three years of participation are expected to return to their districted high school at the end of that academic year and will be subject to normal Georgia High School Association (GHSA) transfer rules regarding eligibility in extracurricular activities.
- Immediate Program Dismissal may result if a student:
- DISMISSAL APPEAL PROCESS:Students who are dismissed from the program may appeal their dismissal to a review panel composed of an Area Assistant Superintendent other than the one representing the magnet school or student’s zoned high school, a District Curriculum Director, and the Superintendent or designee. The student initiates the appeal process by submitting a written request for reconsideration with all materials supporting the request, a return address, and a daytime telephone number to:Advanced Learning Programs Department
Cobb County School District
P. O. Box 1088
Marietta, Georgia 30061-1088
Notification of a final decision will be sent from the review panel.
Adopted: 9/25/03
Revised: 5/12/04 Reclassified an Administrative Rule: 9/1/04
Revised: 4/15/09; 4/14/10
Revised and re-coded: 9/27/12 (Previously coded as Administrative Rule IHBHB)
Revised: 7/24/13
- Magnet students must make at least a 3.0 in each social studies and science course to maintain the “good standing.” status. For AP courses, this minimum standard is defined as a 3.0 after application of the extra quality point.
- If a student receives a grade below a 3.0 in any social studies or science course, he/she will be placed on academic probation.
- Dismissal from the program may result if a student earns two or more D’s in social studies and/or science courses in any given semester or earns a grade of F in any social studies and/or science course.
- If a student’s overall GPA falls below 3.0, he/she will be placed on academic probation.
- A conference will be arranged between the magnet coordinator, the student and, if necessary, the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s). An Action Plan will be developed for the student during this probationary period. This plan may consist of steps including but not limited to the following: tutoring, one-on-one instruction and a reduction in non-academic activities. In any case, the student must make at least a 3.0 in the next course in that subject area.
- Upon successful fulfillment of #4 above, the student will return to a “good standing” status.
- If a student does not fulfill the Action Plan and meet the academic requirements outlined in #4 above, he/she will be dismissed from the magnet program.
- Second-semester seniors who do not fulfill the terms of their probation as specified on the Action Plan may remain at NCHS for the remainder of the year but will not receive the magnet seal or the magnet stole for graduation.
- Magnet students from inside the North Cobb attendance zone who are dismissed from the program will be placed in the appropriate courses in the NCHS population.
- Students from outside the North Cobb attendance zone who are dismissed from the program within the first three years of participation are expected to return to their districted high school and will be subject to normal Georgia High School Association (GHSA) transfer rules regarding eligibility in extracurricular activities.
- Students exiting the program within the first three years of participation and after the first two weeks of the semester may remain at NCHS for the remainder of the semester before returning to their districted high school but will lose magnet transportation opportunities.
- Each student is expected to demonstrate exemplary behavior at all times. A student who is found guilty of a disciplinary infraction that results in a long-term out-of-school suspension/expulsion as provided by Administrative Rule JICDA-H (Student Conduct: Code of Conduct [High School]) will be immediately dismissed from the magnet program and required to return to the student’s districted high school at the conclusion of their long-term suspension/expulsion. A student who receives a lesser disciplinary consequence for any violation as provided in Administrative Rule JICDA-H will be placed on disciplinary probation, with the understanding that any additional infraction will lead to immediate removal from the program and a return to the student’s districted high school. Rule JICDA-H may be downloaded at
Note: In an attempt to preclude academic problems, program personnel should monitor the performance of magnet students on an ongoing basis and early intervention steps may be taken as deemed necessary.
Recognizing that enrollment in a magnet program is a privilege, not a right, we, the undersigned, have read, fully understood and agree that the expectations set forth in this document serve as the academic requirements for participation in the NCHS Magnet Program. We understand that more information regarding magnet programs in general can be found in Cobb County School District Administrative Rule IHBHB (Magnet Programs). This Rule can be downloaded at